History of BNK Quarter HorsesÂ
To tell the history of these horses, is to tell the history of Bill and Karen Novak. What is so amazing about this group of horses is that all of them either have a lineage to Karen's family's horses or are hand picked by Bill or Karen for their disposition, conformation, and athleticism. It all started with a very impressive horse named Keen Gal.
Alvin Gabbert (Karen Novak's father) showed Keen Gal in eleven different events including reining, halter, calf roping, jumping, pole bending, westerns pleasure, cutting, team roping, working cow horse, barrel racing, and trail. She was a AQHA champion and had AQHA points in all of the above classes. To become a AQHA champion a horse has to earn 35 or more points in AQHA sanctioned show, these points have to come from at lest five different shows and from five different judges. Keen Gal became Karen's High School Rodeo horse competing in multiple events including barrel racing, pole bending, and breakaway. Karen also showed Keen Gal in reining, and cow cutting. The first and only two years that Karen competed in the North Dakota High School Rodeo Association, she won the honor of All Around Cowgirl.

Karen on Keen Gal at a barrel race in Dickinson ND on May, 30 1966.

Karen on Keen Gal at the 1970 National High School Rodeo Finals in Fargo, ND
Once graduating from High School Karen moved to Dickinson, ND to pursue her Bachelor Science in Elementary Education. It was here where Karen met Bill Novak who was pursuing his english degree along with an mathematics degree. During college Bill and Karen were a part of the Dickinson State Rodeo team and spearheaded the Dickinson State Show team who would represent their college at different AQHA shows around the state. At these competitions Karen showed Gabbys Twist Gal, an own daughter of Keen Gal. Bill was able to compete on his first stallion, Lightning Pride, a three year old that they were able to get a Register of Merit (ROM) in western pleasure, pole bending and halter. Gabbys Twist Gal gained ROM and AQHA points in barrel racing, pole bending, western riding, and reining.

Karen's college rodeo and show vest
After college Karen decided to breed Gabbys Twist Gal to Quincy Dee King. Quincy Dee King was well known in the Midwest and had AQHA points in reining, cutting, halter, western ridding and working cow horse. He had ROM in performance and halter, and was a AQHA Champion. From the cross of Gabbys Twist gal and Quincy Dee King, Bill and Karen got their first stallion they owned together, that they named Quincy Dee Twist (Quincy).

Bill and Quincy at the ND State Fair

Quincy Dee KingÂ
Quincy Dee Twist was a sorrel stallion; Keen headed, smart, cowy and sweet. He was originally trained and shown in cutting, he loved to cut cattle and would demonstrate cutting without a bridle on. Being the Novak's didn't have cattle around they showed him in reining. He qualified for the AQHA World Show in 1981 and 1982 and was a top 10 finalist at the 1982 AQHA World Show. Quincy earned over 40 AQHA reining points over his 20 year showing career. At one time, either Quincy or his offspring had won at least one reining class at the ND State Fair for over 20 years. Quincy sired good looking, cowy, athletic colts including Quincy Blazin Doc who was one of the Novak's go-to horses for years.

Advertisement on Quincy

Quincy at the 1981 World Show
Because of the love for Quincy Blazin Doc they decided to breed her to their current stallion Genuine Diamond Doc (Diamond).
Genuine Diamond Doc is a full blood brother to the famous Shining Spark! The Novak's came to own Diamond when they purchased him from Tub Dennis of Georgia. Bill spent three days driving down to pick him up and bring him back to Williston, ND. Diamond spent time under the training of Joey Jorgenson of Fisher, MN where he received his superior in reining. He then fell under the training of JD Yates of Pueblo, CO where he received his superiors in heading and heeling. He is now Bill and Karen's only stallion that they have proudly been breeding to for over 20 years. From the cross of Genuine Diamond Doc and Quincy Blazin Doc they currently have six full siblings, pictured below.
Diamond picking up AQHA heading points at the NWSS
 What separates BNK Quarter Horses from other horses is the passion and love that Bill and Karen put into their horses. Each one of the horses that's in the BNK remuda has been hand picked for a quality that they loved, whether that be athleticism, conformation, and disposition. Because of the history of these horses, the Novak's take pride in each horse that they have owned and they hope you do to.

Diamond at the Holiday Winter Circuit in Tulsa, OklahomaÂ

Group of full siblings out of Quincy Blazin Doc by Genuine Diamond Doc